Bahrain (University of Bahrain) Dr. Al-Mudhaki: The College of Engineering at the University of Bahrain has Been the Main Provider of Engineers to the Kingdom of Bahrain for Decades

The President of the University of Bahrain, Dr. Jawaher bint Shaheen Al-Mudhahki, stressed the importance of the role played by the College of Engineering at the university level, and at the level of the Kingdom of Bahrain as a whole, being the largest provider with youth energies for decades to the engineering sectors of all kinds. Dr. Al-Mudhahki added that the College has distinguished contributions to the advancement of the country in all fields, civil, industrial, municipal, and others for more than 35 years.

In a meeting held on Sunday June 26, 2022 with the faculty members as part of the meetings of the President of UoB with all the components of the university, Al-Mudhahki stated that the College of Engineering is a prestigious college and is worth of a lot of support. This is evident in the new premises of the College, which is being accomplished according to the approved timetable. It is one of the economic recovery projects through which the government is seeking to accomplish many projects for the service of the country and the citizens in the prosperous era of His Majesty the King, and the directives of His Highness, the Crown Prince and the Prime Minister.”

The President of the University, the deputies and the Dean of the College discussed with the College’s affiliates several issues of interest. The affiliates offered many proposals for improving the functioning of the College in particular, and the University in general.

The discussion touched on several academic issues, including scientific research, academic promotion procedure, the teaching load, and scientific publishing.

In the meeting which lasted for about two hours, Dr. Al-Mudhahki indicated that a lot of issues raised by the affiliates of the College of Engineering are being considered by committees formed to this effect, and that they continue to make strides in addressing these issues.

It is worthy to note that the College of Engineering at the University of Bahrain is one of five colleges the university included when it was established in 1986. The programs of the College have obtained accreditation from Education & Training Quality Authority and other international bodies such as Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology “ABET” and the National Accreditation Board “NAB”.


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